Thursday 22 July 2010

Evaluation Questions for practice music video- William Wise

1.)Identify the task as well as the song/artist
1.) The task was to make a music video based on the track we were given. For our group we were given No more Mr nice guy by Alice Cooper.

2.) How have you used digital technology during the construction of your video?
2.) We used digital technology during the construction of the video as we used a video camera to film the whole production, once we had finished our production we used Apple Macs to upload and edit the production.

3.) Discuss the planning stage of your production and the steps that you went through
3.) We planned by creating a storyboard which contained a list of shots and a story line for our music video. We also researched other music videos of the same genre to see what type of codes and conventions they used, and to see what feel of style we needed to use. We researched the artist on Youtube but unfortunately there was no music videos just live shows, but Alice Cooper gave us the attitude we needed for the music video.

4) How did your research into music videos contribute to the development of your own production?
4.) When we looked at other AS music videos this helped us as we realized we had to base our music video on a story. We also looked at lip synching and fitting the music in time with the production.

5.) What do you think are the main strengths/weaknesses in your production? consider your audience feedback.
5.) The main strengths for our production was the type of camera shots we used as they looked professional and unique. There was a nice structure for the music video and the length of the clips were good. Some of the shots looked realistic. For example when the victim was running towards the door. Our weaknesses was we should have a made a better ending as the bullies should have put up more of a fight and the pushing should have been more realistic. The lip synching didn't work as expected as it was not in time and we was not in time with each other. We should not have filmed on the webcam as well as it looked poor and didn't fit the story line.

Published by William Wise

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